Public Candidate Profile


Marketing, Advertising, Copywriting, Editorial

London, United Kingdom (UK) Message Lewis

About Lewis and job interest

I am an innately curious and extremely proactive individual, willing to take on any challenge to better myself, my career or the company that employs me. My primary skills are my writing abilities, my creative vision and my ability to think analytically.

Career Status Junior or Entry level
Desired Role Marketing, Advertising, Copywriting, Editorial
Search status Actively searching
Sector of Interest Marketing / Advertising / Social Media
Job period Part-time/Full-time
Remote job? Yes
Why Should We Hire You?

I am always the first to push myself out of my comfort zone and jump into a new challenge. I am actively looking for opportunities within advertising, specifically in the planning/strategy/content side of the industry.


09/2016 - 07/2018

 United Kingdom (UK)

English Language and Linguistics

Bachelor Degree (Undergraduate)

The University of Sheffield

During my degree I learnt endless, invaluable transferrable skills. For one I developed my writing capabilities exponentially, for various different purposes. I developed researching skills, communication and collaboration skills and organisational skills.

Skills & Hobbies

Technical Skills

System Skills




Language pro-efficiency

Language Speaking Writing/Reading Certificate
  • Independent
  • Basic


English (Default)
  • Native
  • Native


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